Why usability testing isn’t the answer to your UX problems
Typically, usability testing is the tip of the iceberg; it focuses on user interactions in the user journey, but it may not necessarily uncover deeper issues such as user needs and motivations or broader user experience challenges.
When digital products experience low user engagement rates or high drop offs, product teams typically want to find answers through usability testing. However, while usability testing helps to uncover user interaction problems like:
confusing user interfaces
unclear navigation
…it doesn’t scratch the issues beneath the surface.
The biggest problem beneath the surface is usually not knowing your users and what their needs and wants are. Needless to say, it’s extremely challenging to get all the product details right if you don’t know who you are designing for.
Fixing the surface isn’t enough
If you don’t know your users, you don’t know which features and functionality are the most important to them, which user interface elements (UI) resonate with them, what kind of guidance they expect, and what visual elements are the most compelling for them.
This is why usability testing doesn’t help you solve UX challenges like low user engagement rates and high drop offs. Indeed, running usability testing and tweaking the copy or UI elements doesn’t resolve the product’s fundamental problems, such as not knowing your users and their needs.
Discover the user needs first
When you have a clear understanding about who you are designing for and know your user groups and archetypes, as well as their user needs and requirements; this ensures that your design is based on real user needs rather than assumptions that don’t resonate with users and may cause usability issues.
Thorough discovery research helps to prevent UX problems like confusing user interfaces, unclear navigation, missing features, and functionality that may result in a low user engagement rate, high drop off or user churn. Discovery research takes a deep dive into user groups and user needs, which together represent the core of a product’s success.
Foundation for UX
Establishing these fundamentals about the product helps to create a clear understanding of who you are designing for and what the user needs and expectations are. This will enable the creation of relevant features and functionalities and an appropriate user interface design and, most importantly, a competitive product.
Discover first, test next!
Insights on the surface
While it identifies specific interaction issues like confusing navigation, usability testing doesn’t address deeper UX challenges related to understanding user needs and motivations.
Know your users
A clear understanding of user needs, preferences, and expectations is essential to building a product that truly resonates and engages.
Usability testing alone…
Although usability testing can guide UI adjustments, it doesn’t resolve root issues such as low engagement, high drop-off rates, or user churn.
Stronger UX foundations
In-depth research helps uncover user groups, needs, and pain points, which are critical for creating an intuitive, relevant, and competitive product.
Intuitive user experiences
Establishing features, functionality, and UI elements that resonate with your users requires engagement beyond usability testing. One-on-one, in-depth user interviews uncover all aspects of what your users expect from your products and services.